>> D/AUs


A diverging route for golden kamuy (modern) ballet au where ot4 go ghosthunting for fun after watching too much buzzfeed unsolved/ghost files and accidentally end up summoning D who follows them home, causing all sorts of phenomena, making their lives way more chaotic. At first they can only communicate through ouija board and the likes since at the moment D doesn't have enough energy to do more than move objects for them. (he has lost most of his powers in a fight with a stronger demon before meeting ot4)

When he gathers enough energy for it after possessing their kitties he finally physically manifests for them. ~shenanigans ensue~ Seeing him in all his demonic glory they can't help but fall for him, exhibiting incredible amounts of dumbassery before they get him to fuck them/confess their love. Ilyas shows up after ot5 is married and helps awaken D's memories of his past human life (gk canon) and finally D has all his darlings uwu

As a horny demon D gets sustenance from absorbing horny energy, ranging from watching ppl get freaky or doing it himself. Humans give more energy than fellow demons do, and ot4 is the perfect food for D

D is raised by his 4 adoptive sisters who he's fiercely protective of. Thanks to that protectiveness he ends up in a mess that lands him in Abashiri prison convicted for the brutal murder of multiple men. Prison is not where he imagined ending up at 20 but he doesn't plan to stay long either. As he plans his escape by first taking his place on top of the prison hierarchy he meets Boutarou who he gets to know intimately. Taking over the prison isn't too much trouble for the two of them, enjoying privileges no other prisoner and not even guards can. As impossible as it seems they make prison their little paradise, spending many days together. D confesses his love the night before his planned escape but Boutarou doesn't They get separated when they break out along with the rest of the tattooed prisoners - D wants to visit his sisters but Boutarou has to go after Wilk's treasure as soon as possible, but they make a promise that D will find Boutarou again. During D's search for Boutarou he meets the rest of ot4 in various circumstances and ends up travelling with them hoping to find Boutarou as both he and Sugimoto's group are looking for the gold. he also meets Ilyas during his travels and spends a short time with him unaware of his true nature but they won't reunite in this life of his. They finally reunite in ot6 au which is a continuation of ot5 with demon D

Boutarou is the heir to the throne, oldest of 6 siblings with his parents ruling the kingdom at the start of the story. D rises to the position of knight captain fairly quickly, with his own squad of trusted knights who coincidentally are all himbos and in charge of leading and training the rest of the royal knights. One of said himbos is Junichirou. Suddenly being placed in charge of training him in combat he ends up meeting with prince Boutarou more and more, who instantly falls in love with him. After a year or so he realizes his fondness for his little prince is more than just platonic feelings but he doesn't want to get in trouble with the royal court, so he keeps those feelings to himself. Years of mutual pining follow till Boutarou finally becomes king and asks D out like he had wanted all this time. (the one au where feelings come before sex :0)

in an au of this au D also falls in love with his himbo knight Jun and after getting together with Boutarou he tells him about missing his knight. Boutarou suggests to get to know Jun better too and they end up dating him and marrying him later.

Priest D gets sent to a not too small but secluded town as punishment for leading a lifestyle unfit for a servant of god. As a not very smart decision from the church, they've already sent two priests of a similar nature to this town, thinking the priests will straighten each other and not in fact engage with each other in addition to the churchgoers thirsting for them. Not only does he make the two priests, Boutarou and Ogata his boyfriends, he takes interest in a pair of churchgoers, Jun and Yamato too, Jun clearly having a crush on him, Yamato has his guard up around him but he loves a challenge. Soon the priests attract a trio of demons too, making this au the one where D has every single darling in a big polycule. Turns out D himself has some demon ancestors and has a small amount of demon power too.

(rn the Jun/Yamato part of this au is kinda separate from the ot5 part mainly bc of Yamato reasons)

D is a god that once liked humanity and wanted to make them prosper but he discovered that destroying them is way more fun and he hasn't looked back since. He's still posing as a benevolent god, granting fortune to towns that give him sacrifices but little do they know, they only delay their inevitable destruction by none other than D's hands. No humans are aware of their true nature and no other gods are powerful enough to oppose him so he's left to roam free and cause calamities for his own pleasure. Most of his human sacrifices don't live longer than a few days, especially those who can't satisfy him end up as his dinner instead, but that's the fate of all of the humans offered up to him. That is except for Junichirou who proved to be not only easy on the eyes but he passed his challenge of satisfying him, earning him the right to stay alive as his servant. Some time later Ilyas stumbles upon the temple they reside in, looking to slay D and reach fame but he's in for a big surprise as he realizes there's only 2 ways to get out of the situation he caused - dead or as another obedient servant of D's, offering his life to his master. Of course Ilyas does not kneel so easily but D takes interest in him, having fun taming his rebellious puppy.

D is a chef minding his own business, trying to stay out of his sisters' criminal activities with more or less success, but enemies of his family start coming after him too. When Jun saves him from a would-be fatal accident which turns out to be not an accident at all, he discovers the existence of guardian angels, and he does everything to keep this one around. Soon another one joins him who he assumes is Jun's overprotective boyfriend and he's not entirely wrong about it, even if the angels actually aren't allowed to touch each other, much less be intimate with each other. Yamato tells him about the fact that he's corrupting his precious angel but D doesn't think it's an issue and argues neither should they, maybe it's heaven that's in the wrong. Why would they be able to feel another's warmth if they're not made for it?